
Friday, July 17, 2009

BarCamp Diaspora '09 draws closer

Registration for BarCamp Diaspora is still free! If you're not sure what a BarCamp is, here's a definition to help you out:

"A BarCamp is simply an ‘unconference’ - an ad-hoc gathering of people with the simple desire to share and learn in an open environment. Unlike a conference, at a barcamp everyone is both a speaker and a participant. The content is provided by all attendees based on their interests." -

BarCamp Diaspora '09, a follow up to barcamp Ghana '08, is the fist event of it's kind in the US, bringing together innovative minds to exchange ideas on doing business in Ghana. If you're interested in business and/or technology in Ghana, are an entrepreneur or just want to sit and share some ideas with fellow thinkers, BarCamp Diaspora '09 is the place to be!

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Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Google Chrome OS in the works

Google's at it again, and this time it's the endgame-- they're officially taking over the world! O.k, so i'm exaggerating a little bit (I actually really do love google and all it's innovations), but think about it: for so long, the only thing that most regular PC users (minus my geek roommates :)) have knew were the Windows and Mac OS's, so with the advent of the Google Chrome OS, we could be in for some interesting times.

Effects on Microsft you ask? I did an arbitrary search of the number of people using the google browser, google docs and the the google chrome browser. And you could guess the results: MANY! That said, could you imagine what could potentially happen to Microsoft's user base given all the bugs that the recent Vista OS came with? Also, since Google's OS is Linux based and open source, some expect it to be free (monitization would come from corporate use with all the additional bells and whistles. Ref: Gmail for corporations), which would be another HUGE blow to Microsoft whose OS's run the gamut anywhere from $75 to $300.

The Google Chrome OS should be available in it's bare-bones form mid-2010. I can't wait to see how all this plays out!

Here are some other places to read more about Google Chrome OS:

Google announces Chrome OS
Does the world need another operating system
5 questions (and answers) about Google Chrome OS

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Monday, July 6, 2009

My Samsung T240HD 24" widescreen HDTV CAN be mounted!

Not two days ago, I finally received my long awaited, much anticipated Samsung T240HD 24" widescreen HDTV. If you don't know anything about this piece of equipment, google it! Also, up until Friday, it was going for $299 at B&H, and if that's still the case, you should get one!

For a long time, I had wanted an external monitor to hook up my lap top too; I had also wanted a little flat panel TV for my room. So I decided to look into getting a hybrid and the top contender turned out to be the T240HD. Before I went out and got this thing, I researched every aspect of a TV/monitor hybrid you could imagine: internal speakers, component jacks, analogue, input, digital inputs, contrast ratio, viewing angle-- the list goes on for a while. And I compared the dell ultra sharp 2408WFP, the dell G2410, the V7 D24W33 and a few others. For each category I researched, and for each monitor/tv I looked at, the Samsung T240HD came out as number one, or a very close second, plus it cost a lot less than all of them, which made it (to me) a no brainer to get! Then I got it into my head that I wanted to mount it... and the problems began.

I consider myself a better than average web sleuth, so I was quite surprised when I couldn't seem to find any concensus on the web about whether or not the T240 HD could be mounted. To make matters worse, neither B&H nor Samsung (yes, I contacted samsung) staff members could tell me for a fact whether or not this thing could be mounted. The reviews on CNET, Amazon and other sites for this product didn't offer much help either-- non made mention of being able to mount it-- and some even went as far as saying it couldn't be mounted.

So, because I went through all this crap and finally (after about a month) figured out that this thing could indeed be mounted, I wanted to create a posting to help all who might want to mount their T240HD. I will take some photos later on and post them here, so check back later.

To mount you T240 HD you'll need:

This kit acts as an adapter to enable you use a vesa 100 compliant mount with your T240HD HOWEVER, HOWEVER, HOWEVER this kit alone CAN be used to mount your T240HD-- that's what I've done, and it works PERFECTLY! NOTE: No where on the net will you find a less expensive deal. Also, though they don't have a photo of the mount on the web site, (I haven't figured out why yet) CDW is trustworthy and you'll have your mount in less than a week.

That's it. Seriously, that's all you need. The kit comes with screws and screw anchors. I'd suggest you get stronger screws and anchors so you're not woken up at 2am by your TV crashing to the ground :) -- what can I say, I'm a skeptic when it comes to those cheap low grade screws that accompany equipment.

So, that's it! Happy mounting. Remember to check back for some photos, or better still sign up to receive RSS or e-mail updates! Have a great week.

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BarCamp Diaspora 2009

On July 25th 2009 I'll be attending Barcamp Diaspora in D.C. If you're not familiar with Barcamp, it's something of a Podcamp...except more fun :). If you're not familiar with what a PodCamp is, well I can't help you! j/k-- Click the Barcamp badge below to learn more:

Hope to see you there!

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Monday, May 4, 2009

Myspace-ing not a great idea in this economy

Despite the title of this post, the truth is facebook-ing, twitter-ing and most other things-ings that involve social networking are probably not a great idea if you're posting stuff that current or potential employers might find offensive.

I was just listening to a CNN story about a former restaurant worker who got fired for "gossiping" about her boss. The fired employee then decided to file a lawsuit againt the restaurant in federal court. This issue is worthy of note because the decisions the court comes to will have far reaching implications on the privacy debate-- and on the way information can be accessed and used, and by whom.

I couldn't find a link to the CNN story, but here is a WSJ story that mentions it. Please post comments and share what you think of this issue.

Two employees actually got fired. There is some discussion going on on the CNN twitter channel if you're interested:

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Friday, May 1, 2009

SixthSense-- how cool is this?

Photo credit: MIT; CNET news

A few weeks ago a good friend sent me this link about an innovative gesture-driven computer platform called SixthSense. I was (and still am) quite intrigued by the many prospects this new system offers in the field of information management-- if adopted as mainstream. However, after speaking to a few "regular" people (as opposed to super tech nerds), I've found that most are concerened with how this new platform will impact the privacy debate-- if it goes mainstream. I tried to explain to them that they wouldn't HAVE to check their e-mails on a blank wall in the airport OR check their bank account balance on a crowded subway platform if they didn't feel comfortable. Furthermore, I explained that this system seems to to be one build upon the already existing system of the internet. Thus, most privacy issues that may arise would be pre-existing problems, and not new ones created by SixthSense.

O.k., enough with the boring stuff already! Do you remember Tom Cruise in Monority Report? Yes, that's exactly what I thought when I first saw heard about sixthsense-- the computer Tom Cruise was using. Take a peek and tell me what you think:


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Thursday, April 30, 2009


Swurl was an aggrigator of all one's web content, a life stream if will, of all one's activity on the interweb. Then one day it was no more. Just like that. Gone.

Certain blogs have made mention of some sort of "goodby note" that was left by the creators of that read:

"We built Swurl as two guys doing something we love in our spare time. Unfortunately, due to the pressures of our day jobs and other distractions, we can no longer support or maintain the service at the level that we think our users deserve."

I for one never saw that note since (as you might have noticed) now takes you to some ebay page, so I cannot verify this. Good news is, since swurl was an aggregator, no user content was lost. However, the fact that swurl just shut its doors and dissappeard raises an intersting question and and sounds a distinct alarm: in this world where everything is quickly going "paperless", and massive amounts of information are being digitalized and stored on the net (in some cases ONLY on the net), what safeguards have been built to make sure that information published online don't just disappear when the platform it was published on does?

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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Web marketing in developing countries

A friend recently sent me this link: with the word "Thoughts?" attached to it. I had a little to say about it and I figured I'd post my response here. Please let me know what you think about this by sending my an e-mail or leaving a comment. Thanks.

"I think Henry (friend 1 on e-mail list) and Seyram (sender of link) have between themselves presented the crux of the problem: 1. FB and other social networking sites that depend on advertising to survive cannont charge local companies the same amount of money they charge here (U.S.) for advertising. 2. Ghana and other developing countries are not integrated into the global payment processing system so even if people wanted to buy, they couldn't. Additionally however, I strongly believe that home grown businesses in developing countries like ours have not gotten to the point where they fully appreciate the power of internet marketing (and it makes perfect sense that they should not-- I don't believe that more than 30% of the population of Ghana even has access to the net). For that reason, most people might be quite reluctant to shell out the big bucks for this purpose.

Now if some Ghanainan company came up with an awesome online advertising business like Paa Kwasi suggested, that would be quite nice for all involved. However, they'd still have to contend with the high bandwith vs. low return on advertising sales problem. Paa Kwasi, you made mention of myjoyonline: does anyone know how much profit (if any) myjoyonline is making from the advertising business? Also, is it sustainable or are people just jumping onto the bandwagon for the moment because some sweet tongued exec. has promised them that it's the wave of the future? Are companies going to stop advertising when they realize that their advertising money isn't being translated into sales? I don't know the answers, but I do believe that before we can get full swing into the internet advertising game ( and be profitable at it) learn to walk before we run, otherwise, invent a way to fly so you can skip the walk phase. This basically translates into us (Ghana and others) building the infrastructure to allow us to plug into the global payment system so people can actually buy, otherwise, we should figure out an entirely different way to allow advertising to translate into money. If/when this happens, people will be less reluctant to spend good solid amounts of money on internet advertising.

Thank you :)."

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